Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Quick Muse: Flynn in the Bin

The hammer came down yesterday on the now former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.  Flynn resigned after news came to light that he was discussing sanctions with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office.  This is a matter that puts Trump in a serious spot because he has constantly denied having any communication with Russia and now his NSA man was caught with the goods.

The timing of everything: Flynn's contacts, Trump's increase of praise towards Putin, and the hacking of DNC emails make this a potentially wide open case that could shake the Trump administration to its core. How wide per se?  The fact that Dan Rather thinks this could be worse than Watergate should ring alarm bells.

Another issue to point out is that the Trump camp knew of this weeks ago and only waited until it was in full blown view to go for the sack.  Now it's known that they were going to sweep this under the rug and hope no one would bat an eye.  It didn't work and now you have politicians on both sides of the aisle calling for a more thorough investigation.  Will it be granted and how far-reaching will this go?

It's only MONTH ONE of the Trump presidency and it could be over before the first year is up...

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