Wednesday, June 28, 2017

How the News Reacted: Huckabee Sanders v Karem

This is a new segment in which I look at various news agencies as well as the people involved in the topic and how that topic played out across the political spectrum via Twitter.  Today's topic is yesterday's exchange between Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Brian Karem.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Fake News Brigade

Earlier today there was an interesting moment during the White House Press Briefing.  In a recently rare briefing that allowed cameras Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders goes after the media by telling them how dishonest they are.  This is based on one story published by CNN about Trump friend Anthony Scaramucci and a disputable anonymous source.  The people involved in the soft-story were fired and the heads of CNN issued a statement saying that any articles relating to the Trump-Russia investigation will need clearance before publishing.  During her speech Brian Karem, columnist for Playboy and the Montgomery County Sentinel, interrupts her to let her know how most of the press feel about this barrage.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Democracy, Not Democracy

This little article of mine is aimed towards those hardcore, hardnosed, far-right Trump supporters who are perfectly fine accusing the Democrats of corruption while ignoring Trumps web of deceit.

I saw this tweet the other day and it made me grunt in annoyance:
Let's clear some things up about why that caption is completely wrong (and ignorant).

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Total Not Recall

Winners and losers from Jeff Sessions' testimony on Russia
For the Sessions testimony you can watch it here.

I know this is Thursday and the Jeff Sessions hearing was on Tuesday, but there was a lot to process and go over both visually and mentally.  For one thing I was right that Sessions would be the guy that would take the "bullet" for Trump in this hearing.  He wasn't going to answer a lot of questions, but the way he tried to dodge the questions actually made it worse for Trump instead of saving his face.  Let's get down to the big parts of the hearing....