Thursday, July 27, 2017

Lesbian, Gay, Bi, and Tr...ump

I couldn't stay away while on vacation while this bombshell dropped today.  Remember when Trump posted this during his campaign:
Well today The Donald has withered away another campaign promise as he rolled out the following three tweets:

Just in case Trump has a hard time understanding, this is what LGBT stands for:

It does not stand for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trump!

He is cutting Trans people out of the military because of medical costs.  It should be noted that there are other things that the military spend on their soldiers that cost more than surgeries for transgender soldiers including...

BONER PILLS!!!   Yes, if you do your research, erection pills such as Viagra and Cialis are used for more than just helping men get stiff, they can be used to help keep decent blood flow in high altitude. Lets look at a comparison:

A combined $63.4 Million is spent by the US military on hard-on medicine while only $8.4 Million was spent on healthcare for 5,000-15,000 trans soldiers.

Besides being another broken campaign promise, this has to be another bold attempt for Trump to keep what little support he has from Republican voters.  With his support in the lower 30's it will only continue to keep his hardcore base (mainly the alt-Right, Christian-in-name-only supporters) happy, but it has not received a lot of support elsewhere, especially with Caitlyn Jenner:
Jenner did vote for Trump which was one of the very few transgender people to do so and now she feels betrayed that Trump would pull such a card.  This is a man that has been known for decades as a cutthroat businessman so this had to be expected.

Trump is pulling some sort of strings right now, and it's going everywhere except the direction he wants: forward.

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