Saturday, January 21, 2017

It's Official: Trump is #45

IT happened...

IT will be burned into my memory forever...

IT was 12:15...

For every IT I am talking about I am referring about the Inauguration.  At 12:15 while my third class of the day was winding down I had the Inauguration on my laptop and I witnessed Donald Trump on my little video window get sworn in to become the 45th President of the United States of America.

Now is the time that Trump will need to be held accountable for his actions and it is up to the American citizens, those who voted for him and those who didn't, to hold him to the high standards that a President is supposed to uphold.  While there will be some action today during his first full day in the position we have to wait to fully have our verdict once the first 100 days are over.  

Though seeing that one of his first executive orders is to push the repeal of Obamacare as soon as possible we need to stay cautious as to what will exactly happen.  Trump's order isn't getting rid of the Affordable Care Act right away, it's basically a memo to the GOP to kick start the repeal process so it can get to his desk ASAP.

Another reversal that we will see right away is the change of mortgage insurance, made cheaper under Obama, now being increased to an extra $500 a year by Trump.  Will this uppercut by Trump against Obama's policies affect the housing market, currently a seller's market, and bring forth a slow down a home purchases?

As the first 100 days continue to roll we will cover it in our new article segments called "100 Watch" so stay tuned for those articles in the coming weeks!

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