Sunday, January 15, 2017

...And That's the Bottom Line 'cause Russia Said So!

There is a serious issue when the President-Elect blatantly seems to only care what Vladimir Putin says instead of the American people.   When he tweets that things are false about Russian involve because "that is what Russia said when I talked to them" then he either is the most incompetent man destined for the Oval Office or worse: an agent of Putin.

When I read political articles on my local news its always interesting to read the comments of both the pro-Trump and anti-Trump people.  In an article that was about outgoing CIA Chief John Brennan laying into Trump for his lenient stance with Russia.  Brennan stated that he it is worrisome that a man like Trump is jeopardizing our national security with his comfy relationship with Putin.   He also added that "spontaneity is not something that protects national security interests."  After reading the article I read the aforementioned comment section and here was one that stood out from a man named Pete Muller:
"I think by now everybody knows that Trump won the election.... What is sinking in more and more on a daily basis is that it seems puppet Trump won the election.  That is a scary thought. There is the prospect, which Trump appears to confirm, that we are witnessing and not interfering with the process that our nation's top leader will be controlled by a foreign power."
Even more discouraging is the Trump supporters on the same comment section believing that we need to have better relations with the Russians so we can get out of this pseudo-Cold War.  Now yes, we need to ease tensions with them, but not this way.  I would never try to be friendly with a guy that mows down his enemies and pretends that his country has a democracy despite jailing people for saying things like it is.  It makes me wonder this: if we receive a lot of proof that Trump spends most of his time on the Red Phone receiving orders from the Kremlin will his supporters abandon him or will they continue to ignore it and just turn to their easy way out: Obama bashing.

This is the new low that the alt-Right and neo-Conservatism has gotten to in order to get a Republican (and a RINO at that) in the White House.  They prefer their justice with a side of in with it since they can't have justice without injustice.

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