Sunday, January 8, 2017

Quick Muse: Congressional Term Limits

The great part about having freedoms of speech and expression means that we all have the right to agree to disagree.  Every once in awhile though, we end up being able to agree with people that have completely different viewpoints than yourself.  Case in point: Ted Cruz.

Senator Cruz has sponsored Resolution 2 which is to create term limits on Congress.  The resolution states that Representatives would be allowed to serve a maximum of three terms (six years total) and if they are a Senator it would be a maximum of two terms (twelve years total).  If the resolution passes and is ratified by 75% of the states it will become the 28th Amendment.

There is a reason that the President of the United States is limited to two four-year terms: It gets rid of any notion of a leader turning into a dictator or a king.  It works pretty well and it ensures that the people in power are a clear representation of the current political views and environment (even if the people elected doesn't have the popular vote sometimes).

Congress in recent years has had consistently low approval rates due to constant bickering, slow progress, and the constant need by Republicans to repeal Obamacare.  The blame for the lack of legislative movement at the Federal level has been focused on the fact that there are no term-limits which creates career politicians and sometimes too much job security and not enough incentive to get things done.  Knowing you would have either six or twelve years to get things done would make for a more active Congress.  The more people that can be represented in Congress the more we will trust Congress.

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