Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Game of Hacks

Chances are, if you have been reading the news post-election you have seen all the news articles about Russian hacking during the election.  If you haven't noticed here are some articles to get acquainted:

Now my thing with the whole ordeal stems with the White House itself.  After the whole thing with Wikileaks and their release of emails involving Debbie Wasserman Schultz and John Podesta there should have been a release of some sort telling us who the likely sources of this leak were, but we did not hear anything about where these leaks came from under after the election.   The Obama Administration even mentioned that this was happening with the email links during their current investigation of the voting hacks.  Obviously they were trying to deflect from all the interference caused by Wikileaks and their sources, but it didn't help the Clinton campaign at all now did it?

For right now all we have about both the email leaks and the supposed voting hacking is from the Obama Administration and their report from the CIA that "strongly believes" that Russia, if not Vladimir Putin himself, was behind and the shenanigans behind this utmost dirty election. How much proof do we really have?  Putin himself is even asking Obama to politically put his balls on the table and show every one the CIA's proof. 

What we do know is all based on the following:
  • During Trump's campaign he was asked about the DNC emails and if Russia was behind it he said he didn't know, but if they are he pleaded for Russia to release even more material.  When asked later about why he was asking for another country to interfere with our election he said he was saying "sarcastically" and he didn't mean it at all.
  • The nomination of Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State who is the CEO of ExxonMobil and received Russian Order of Friendship award in 2013.  
And last, but not least:
  • The continuous praise from Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin about each other.  
It begs to question how much under-the-table dealings were done during the campaign to finally get Trump to the position he wanted the most.  Now that he will be in that post, what will (or will not be) revealed?  Will every thing be buried once he is sworn in or will there be counter-measures that will work towards getting him impeached?  You have to wonder whenever he said "the election is rigged" that he truly knew it was really rigged for him instead of Clinton.  

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