Saturday, December 17, 2016

Move Over Jackson, There is a New Kitchen Cabinet in DC

The whole platform of Donald Trump was his Reagan slogan of "Make America Great Again" and conservative voters bought it.  What they bought more was that he was a businessman, not a career politician therefore he was the outsider needed to clean up Washington; a modern day Mr. Smith Goes to Washington if you will.  The anti-establishment man is sheep in wolf's clothing, not the other way around.  His voters were hoping for "sensibility" and "forward-thinking" ways but have been stiffed so mightily, yet they do not even see that somehow.  If a Trump supporter gets upset by that then let's show them his picks for his cabinet and their most important asset to Trump: their wealth.

Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders pointed out that very fact his the following tweet:
There are two sides to every argument regardless if one side is right and the other side is wrong.  In this case here are those sides:

  1. We need billionaires and millionaires to run the country because they already know how to make things run and be successful.
  2. We need people more in tune with the middle class who will help them and reach a broader base than feeling like the establishment is only helping themselves.
Side 1 of the argument has been answered by Trump himself while on his "Thank You Tour" in Iowa by saying "I want people that made a fortune because now they are negotiating with you."  He further stated that his cabinet members are, like him, taking a $1 salary since they do not need the extra money.  Until his nominations have been approved by Congress we will just have to wait and see how much they help out the very core of his voters who are blue collar middle-class people.

Side 2 of the argument comes from Vice contributor Alex Thompson who pointed out that all of Trump's megabucks Cabinet members will receive an obscure tax benefit for their position.  Thompson writes: 
"The rule allows members of the executive branch to sell off assets tax-free and then reinvest that money in low-risk assets like government bonds and mutual funds. Administration officials will have to pay the 15 percent capital gains tax whenever they sell their low-risk assets — the tax is only deferred — but the benefit comes from turning high-risk assets into low-risk assets, tax-free."
Essentially the people in his Cabinet are set to rake in millions in tax benefits because they are taking positions that would make far less money than they are used to making from their other ventures.  If there is anyone who knows the loopholes of our tax system it is definitely the President-elect.  Remember when he said he would reveal his tax returns if he won the Presidency?  Yeah, still haven't seen them! Someone who was able to go 20 years without paying taxes because of specific bankruptcy rules would know that his picks are going to benefit just as much as he will be from this.

Like with any argument, one side can be wrong and other can be right, but there are cases in which both sides are right.  His picks could actually help the American people out... or they could just be figureheads raking in the dough while idly doing nothing for the people.  We cannot know for certain right now since they have yet to be approved, but there is always more research that can be done.  If it is a case for the latter than how will his followers respond?  Will they still blindly support him or will they flat out refuse to re-elect him?  The ball is in their court and we are only spectators at this point in the game.

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