Monday, December 19, 2016

It's Official

That's it, Donald Trump is officially the President of the United States of America.  The Electoral College placed their votes today and the count was 304-228 for Trump.  What is curious to note was that there were six faithless electors, but none of them gave their votes to Hillary Clinton.  Their votes went to Colin Powell (3), John Kasich (1), Ron Paul (1), and Faith Spotted Eagle (1).  It would have have taken more than 30 electors to change their votes in order to swing the vote towards Clinton.  While Clinton did have the popular vote by almost 3 million votes, the electoral college is what determines our President.  

The electoral college is designed to make sure the people do not elect the wrong candidate which, depending on the person, becomes a hotly contested debate on whether or not we should continue it.  I, for one, am still on the fence about using just the popular vote.  I think with this election it almost feels evil to beg the electors to change their vote to let Clinton win.  This is the system we have always used and yes, there are times when the popular vote and the electoral vote do not match, but we have to respect the system.  

So, for right now, until further notice, we have to accept the fact that we need to deal with Trump and see what will happen.  As long as we still have the Constitution and our rights to free speech and press I will continue to make articles about him.  Yes, this is a rare time that I am defending him, but it's only because we have a system in place that gives him a chance to have the spot.  

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