Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Science: There's a Reason for it.

It is the year 2016 CE and yet people still cannot understand, nor do they try to understand, a real thing called science. Science has problems, solutions, equations, theories, and laws that are always changing when new theories or equations come through. No one argues (outside of debating which theory is more plausible) and every accepts the numbers when shown. This is entirely different to religion. Religion, as comedian Tim Minchin has stated, "kills" any argument made against it despite the overwhelming theories, laws, and practicalities towards it's falsehood.

We have dating methods for rocks and fossils to prove that they are millions or billions years old, yet in today's age we have plenty of smart people who have college degrees and truckloads of money that still believe the earth is less than 6,000 years old. I just can not fathom the ridiculousness of that statement. The worst part of this is that some of these people have been elected or nominated to positions of power and are now at the helm a ship that they will inevitability sink.

Let us use Exhibit A:

This interesting creature talking to Chris Cuomo is Anthony Scaramucci who is part of the Trump Transition Team.  He are his following claims about science in the past:

  1. There was an overwhelming science that the Earth was flat.
  2. There was an overwhelming science that we were at the center of the universe.
For both quotes:  there was never any science about either concept as they were just that: concepts.  One was an idea that the Earth was flat, but the ancient Greeks disproved that way before Christopher Columbus was even conceived to be an explorer.  As for the center of the universe, that was an idea set up based on religion, not science.  Even with Copernicus theorizing that we are not the center of the universe and Galileo later confirming his theory they were both weary of how the Catholic Church was going to respond to their finds as it could have damaged the integrity and membership of the Church.  Copernicus waited until his deathbed to give out his theory and Galileo was punished for promoting it.  The only thing I can agree with about Scaramucci is that he is not a scientist and therefore he should stop pretending that he knows more about science than the scientists themselves.

This is the scary part about this transition is the act of lying and denying.  False truths can do a lot of damage, even more so than lies.

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