Friday, December 29, 2017

Trump Has Trouble Understanding Basic Concepts

In the span of a mere 13 hours President Trump has made it clear that he doesn't understand two basic concepts: climate change and economics.   He is a well-known climate change denier which makes perfect sense for his ill-advised weather tweet, but the one he made this morning about the US Post Office is even more bewildering.  Let's get down to the facts, shall we?

Saturday, August 12, 2017

No One is Born Hating Another Person!

I am both happy and sad to be back writing on this blog. Happy because writing has always been something I've enjoyed doing but sad because on this specific platform the fact that I am writing means that there is something going on in politics that is outraging me to the point of speaking up (and anyone who knows me knows there are only a few things that will get me outraged where politics are concerned). This morning I woke up to my boyfriend telling me that there was a rally of white supremacists protesting in Virginia. He proceeded to tell me that these people were Neo-Nazi's and basically anti everyone! If I wasn't awake before, I was definitely awake after hearing this. There are very few things that upset me the way that public displays of hatred and intolerance do. I like to think that this is thanks to the upbringing and family history that I have.

I have made references to this many times throughout my writing contributions but its worth mentioning again. My paternal grandparents were Holocaust survivors. My grandmother grew up in Germany and was lucky enough to get out of the country via the KinderTransport program with her brother which took them to England and eventually to this country. My grandfather had a much more difficult journey to getting here but they both made it and established a life as Americans. My grandmother's brother fought and died as an American soldier in World War II, fighting the Nazi's and the injustices they valued. All of this greatly impacted the way my dad and his siblings grew up, which in turn impacted the way I was raised. Acceptance, tolerance and understanding were at the forefront of my upbringing. I was friends with people of different skin tones, different religions, different abilities and never batted an eyelash because in my world, in the world I was raised in it was all the same. A person is a person and the differences are what make us unique.

So how do we get these Neo-Nazi, anti-everybody-who-is-different groups in a world where we have made so much progress? The truth is, I don't know, I have no idea why these groups still exist but I do know that I truly feel that the climate of the country and the attitude of the current administration in the White House is responsible for how out and proud these groups are. It appeared that these protesters were not covering their faces and hiding their identity today, they were very visible. President Trump's limited remarks today in light of everything that happened basically left me feeling like there was very little that would change in the coming days.
His incredibly luke warm sentiment did nothing but make me feel like this administration is condoning the actions of these hate groups. Yes he addressed the nation (but not before finishing his golf game on what is probably his twentieth "working vacation" of his very short presidency), but he did so first via a tweet. Call me "old fashioned" or not up with the times or whatever but I don't believe that something as tragic as this should be addressed in 140 characters. This is a serious issue of our time, we are setting a standard that says hating people's differences is okay.

This brings me to my next disheartening point. I am an early childhood educator and I love my job. I work with two and three year olds with and without disabilities everyday. I am the epitome of teaching acceptance by working in the setting I work in. However, sometimes it is hard for us as ECE's to feel like we are making a difference because our children are so young. This afternoon in the wake of all of this a fellow early childhood educator posted this:

For anyone with young children, or who interacts with young children as I do, she showed me how much power we do have as parents and teachers to teach our children to love and appreciate everyone  so that we can end this idea of intolerance. Some of the events that have taken place in the last ten months has made me want to cry and hug my work children a little tighter but watching this video showed me that I have more power than I think I do.

So I guess in closing, I just want to say that there are so many things that made me sad about the events of today, mostly I just look at my Jewish roots, I am a second generation American on that side of my family and have come to understand the struggle my grandparents went through to get to this country, a struggle that is still very real for so many people who are trying to get out of oppressive nations around the world. I just wish that more people in this country had the mentality that was taught to me, people are people embrace their differences and love them for who they are. And finally I'd like to share this quote, its a favorite of mine and now even more so because former President Obama shared it today in light of the events in Charlottesville.

"No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate then they can learn to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite" --Nelson Mandela

Wishing you peace and love tonight, until next time!

How US Leaders Responded to Charlottesville

Before we get to the formal article tonight concerning the clash between alt-right neo-Nazis and counter-protesters today in Charlottesville, Virginia I wanted to show you the difference between a dignified response and an undignified response.  This would also be known as "How everyone but Trump responded today."

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Trump's Downward Spiral

donald trump
Mark Wilson/Getty Images
I went on vacation the Saturday before last and although I quite enjoyed being away from home I just couldn't stay away from writing for TMB.  As many of you that follow politics know, quite a lot has happened in the past two weeks involving President Trump, so much that it would take at least twenty pages to write!  With that said I think this calls for a simple timeline by using tweets and commentary. Let's go!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Let's Get to the Skinny of it...

Is anyone actually even bothering to bring up the notion to fix the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?  All we hear is repeal and replace, but not "lets get together and fix it to our liking."    I watched the debate at Capitol Hill about the "Skinny" repeal on the ACA.  The Senator from Wyoming, Mike Enzi, operated an "anti-filibuster" in which he is rambling on about the ACA with no real significance, taking long pauses, and not yielding any questions from Democrats (if you remember, the GOP has all but shut out the Democrats from reading the healthcare bill).   Enzi knows he has 40-plus minutes to the Democrats) to speak on the floor and all he is doing purposely making sure that the Democrats will have barely any time to read the bill.  He even ran out of things to say about the ACA and proceeded with other nonsense.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Lesbian, Gay, Bi, and Tr...ump

I couldn't stay away while on vacation while this bombshell dropped today.  Remember when Trump posted this during his campaign:
Well today The Donald has withered away another campaign promise as he rolled out the following three tweets:

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

How the News Reacted: Huckabee Sanders v Karem

This is a new segment in which I look at various news agencies as well as the people involved in the topic and how that topic played out across the political spectrum via Twitter.  Today's topic is yesterday's exchange between Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Brian Karem.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Fake News Brigade

Earlier today there was an interesting moment during the White House Press Briefing.  In a recently rare briefing that allowed cameras Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders goes after the media by telling them how dishonest they are.  This is based on one story published by CNN about Trump friend Anthony Scaramucci and a disputable anonymous source.  The people involved in the soft-story were fired and the heads of CNN issued a statement saying that any articles relating to the Trump-Russia investigation will need clearance before publishing.  During her speech Brian Karem, columnist for Playboy and the Montgomery County Sentinel, interrupts her to let her know how most of the press feel about this barrage.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Democracy, Not Democracy

This little article of mine is aimed towards those hardcore, hardnosed, far-right Trump supporters who are perfectly fine accusing the Democrats of corruption while ignoring Trumps web of deceit.

I saw this tweet the other day and it made me grunt in annoyance:
Let's clear some things up about why that caption is completely wrong (and ignorant).

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Total Not Recall

Winners and losers from Jeff Sessions' testimony on Russia
For the Sessions testimony you can watch it here.

I know this is Thursday and the Jeff Sessions hearing was on Tuesday, but there was a lot to process and go over both visually and mentally.  For one thing I was right that Sessions would be the guy that would take the "bullet" for Trump in this hearing.  He wasn't going to answer a lot of questions, but the way he tried to dodge the questions actually made it worse for Trump instead of saving his face.  Let's get down to the big parts of the hearing....

Sunday, May 28, 2017

A Long Absence Explained

Hello all!  I wanted to let everyone know that there will be a revamp of the blog as soon as priorities change in two weeks.  The job that I have and the amount of time and stress that comes with it puts this site on the back burner despite how much there is to commentate on!  The crazy roller coaster of the Trump Administration is not over yet and neither is this blog!  See you soon...

Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Budget

To look at the proposed budget click here.

Chances are, if you are a social studies teachers like myself you probably have read most of the proposed budget brought forth by President Trump.  There are considerable changes to the budget compared to previous years of course, but what makes Trump's budget stand out is the high amount of reductions to most departments and the dramatic increases to others.

If you want to check out the Vlogbrothers' video explaining the budget check it out here!

Monday, February 27, 2017

A Place to Call Home

Tonight I am writing as not only an American but as a Jewish woman who grew up in a town with a very small Jewish population. The Jewish Community Center in York, PA operates with a large majority of members not being Jewish. Even still, our JCC follows the observance of Jewish holidays and has Purim Festivals and Chanukah events despite the fact that not all of its members observ these holidays. My family and I are not members of the JCC but we were involved in many activities that took place there.

The York JCC is a place I consider to be an extension of my home. It was where I had my first job in high school and it is a place that so many of my happiest memories took place in when I was in middle and high school. I felt safe and like I belonged there.

Today, for so many that feeling is gone. In the past several weeks so many Jewish Community Centers all across the nation have been evacuated because of bomb threats that have been called in. With each new article I was devastated and impacted if only because I thought of my own JCC and how important of a place it was in my life as a teen. Today though, today I got angry. My JCC in York, Pennsylvania was one of those JCC's. The JCC in Harrisburg, one I have been to a few times because of the youth group I was in during high school was also among those with threats called in. And now it is personal! I have no words, this is not the world that I want to live in, one where anti-semitism is so prevalent. This is not the world that those who came before me--the millions of Jews whose lives were taken because they were discriminated against for being Jewish--wanted.

There have been many anti-semetic actions that have taken place since Donald Trump has taken office. Headstones in Jewish cemeteries being destroyed, at this point too many bomb threats at Jewish Community Centers across the nation to even count (my understanding is that today alone there were 19 across the country and this has been going on since January). Not to mention when President Trump was asked about these attacks he not only dodged the question from the Jewish reporter but he also very rudely basically told him to sit down and shut up. See the clip below.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> 

I find it kind of sickening that even after this reporter stated "I don't believe you are anti-semetic, I know you have Jewish grandchildren" that he has to further explain himself by saying that he is not anti-semetic and not racist (I greatly disagree but that's a different story) and then refuses to answer the question. There is no easy answer necessarily as to why anti-semetism is on the rise. I believe that it is because of the tone of this presidency and the way that Trump has made statements about minorities of all types, but there is no hard and fast evidence to support this opinion (yet). All I know is that in my 27 years of life, there has only been one time that I remember there being any type of anti-Semitic acts in my hometown, and I was very young. I know that this does not mean it didn't exist anywhere because surely it has in the past and obviously still does but it was not nearly this bad. I have no solutions tonight, tonight I have anger and frustration as I watch a nation that I love and am proud to be a part of being taken down a path that I don't like. Tonight I have prayers to the 11 states and probably 20 or so centers that have been impacted by these threats. I think about the children who attend preschool at these centers, the young children who take dance class, or soccer classes or art classes at these JCC's, I think about the people who go there to work out, and I think about the teenagers who like me consider their JCC to be a safe place, a place they call home. For so many being Jewish is something that alienates them at school because there are far fewer Jews in most schools than non-Jews and being able to go to a JCC and be around other Jewish kids in a place you feel safe in is so comforting, today that safety has been shaken. But as the regional director of my BBYO region (shout out to Liberty Region) said "These threats on the Jewish community and beyond hurt my heart but will not break my spirit! All religions and ethnicities will band together to fight this hate!" The time is now, we must start fighting back against the acts of hatred impacting all minority groups!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Go to the Dinner!

Here is my take on the recent news that Trump has decided to skip the Correspondents' Dinner: change your course and go to it!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Quick Muse: Flynn in the Bin

The hammer came down yesterday on the now former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.  Flynn resigned after news came to light that he was discussing sanctions with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office.  This is a matter that puts Trump in a serious spot because he has constantly denied having any communication with Russia and now his NSA man was caught with the goods.

The timing of everything: Flynn's contacts, Trump's increase of praise towards Putin, and the hacking of DNC emails make this a potentially wide open case that could shake the Trump administration to its core. How wide per se?  The fact that Dan Rather thinks this could be worse than Watergate should ring alarm bells.

Another issue to point out is that the Trump camp knew of this weeks ago and only waited until it was in full blown view to go for the sack.  Now it's known that they were going to sweep this under the rug and hope no one would bat an eye.  It didn't work and now you have politicians on both sides of the aisle calling for a more thorough investigation.  Will it be granted and how far-reaching will this go?

It's only MONTH ONE of the Trump presidency and it could be over before the first year is up...

Monday, February 13, 2017

Puppet Strings

Unless you are someone who has absolutely zero interest in politics you probably have noticed the tight control of responses coming from the Trump administration within his first month in control.  Whether it is Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer, or Stephen Miller there is an unwavering theme that goes through the visible representatives of the Trump truck and that is the irrational concept that the media (with the exceptions of Fox News and Breitbart) are fake/wrong/un-American and that the President's authority and "wisdom" is trustworthy to the point that we shouldn't question his motives.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Immigration Game

When thinking about this ban of refugees from seven Middle Eastern countries you have to take into account different factors in concerns to the legalities as well as the impact that it will have on the United States as well as the world.

Before any person that slams this article for thinking that Trump is the only President that is doing something like this, just let it be known that further down in the article there will be other examples.

The biggest concern about this piece of executive legislation is what it can lead to, but at the current moment it is two sides of the same coin; one of optimism and one of serious concern.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Has History Taught Us Nothing?

I can not easily put into words the way I feel about the things our President has done in the last week. Hearing that he wants to ban refugees and Muslims makes me want to cry. My grandparents were immigrants, my boyfriend is an immigrant and nearly every person in this country can trace their ancestry back to the generation that came to this country. Not only is trying to do this severely un-American and not in keeping with a long tradition of immigrants coming to our country, it is just down right wrong!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Alternative Facts

Yesterday Press Secretary Sean Spicer lashed out at the media for it's report of the attendance numbers at Trump's inauguration Friday.  To put the numbers in perspective let's do this:

  • 1993 (Clinton): 800,000
  • 1997 (Clinton): 250,000
  • 2001 (Bush): 300,000
  • 2005 (Bush): 400,000
  • 2009 (Obama): 1.8 Million
  • 2013 (Obama): 1 Million
  • 2017 (Trump): 250,000 (estimated)

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Women's March 2017

My Facebook this morning was flooded with pictures of women dressed in pink and messages to friends saying "be careful as you march"! All across the country, and apparently across all 7 continents (yes even Antartica) women are marching in support of women's rights, LBGTQIA rights, reproductive rights, and a host of other important issues of which this new administration is working to reverse the major steps we have taken in moving forward. In my family, I was raised to know that people are people, it does not matter what skin tone they have, what religion they practice or who they love. I pride myself on being a person who does not see a person for their differences from me, I see them for who they are because that is what is right. So I can not understand any person be it President of the United States or not who says things that spread messages of hate.

It's Official: Trump is #45

IT happened...

IT will be burned into my memory forever...

IT was 12:15...

For every IT I am talking about I am referring about the Inauguration.  At 12:15 while my third class of the day was winding down I had the Inauguration on my laptop and I witnessed Donald Trump on my little video window get sworn in to become the 45th President of the United States of America.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Education Watch

Last night the confirmation hearing for the Secretary of Education occurred. For those of you not keeping up with politics these days President-elect Trump has chosen a woman named Betsy DeVos as his pick for Secretary of Ed. More on her resume later but before I continue I suppose I should tell you who I am. I am NOT an expert on education, I don't even play one on TV (shout out to my dad who always makes those jokes :-))! I am a product of public education and a public university. I also spent 2 years as a teacher in the public schools of North Carolina. One of those years I spent teaching students with emotional and behavior disabilities in a separate setting with only 8 students. I currently  work in an Early Childhood Center, and early childhood education has become a major passion of mine.I have never taught in a private or charter school and don't have a lot of knowledge about them but I continue to learn from my teacher-friends around me. I know many people who have attended private schools both religious based and not, I also know many people who teach in them as well as teachers in charter schools. I also understand that while it may not have been my parents choice to send me to a private school there are many benefits to that environment (smaller class sizes and more individualized attention to name a few).

Sunday, January 15, 2017

...And That's the Bottom Line 'cause Russia Said So!

There is a serious issue when the President-Elect blatantly seems to only care what Vladimir Putin says instead of the American people.   When he tweets that things are false about Russian involve because "that is what Russia said when I talked to them" then he either is the most incompetent man destined for the Oval Office or worse: an agent of Putin.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Quick Muse: Congressional Term Limits

The great part about having freedoms of speech and expression means that we all have the right to agree to disagree.  Every once in awhile though, we end up being able to agree with people that have completely different viewpoints than yourself.  Case in point: Ted Cruz.

Saturday, January 7, 2017


Donald Trump was recently given intel on the Russian hacking situation and of course seemed to scoff at the notion that this could be a possibility.  He even went on the defensive (again) accusing NBC of knowing more information on certain matters of intelligence than he had known:

Even after the fact that the intelligence report, given by both the FBI/Department of Homeland Security as well as another report from the Director of National Intelligence saying that Vladimir Putin "sought to help" Trump win the 2016 election he still goes on to tweet this:
Come on now Donald!  You have two separate reports going against you and you are going to tweet a lie to cover yourself?  You can't.  The government will always post public reports (albeit with a lot of classified details left out) and you can't contradict what they find.  He is factual with the voting machines part, but the hacked emails definitely did play a factor into swaying the vote towards him instead of Hillary Clinton.  As a businessman he can ignore facts, but as a politician and soon-to-be President of the United States of America he can't and if he does he will be scrutinized by both his peers and the voting citizens of America.